After browsing through the various services Google has to offer, I found Google Drive the most surprising and new service that technology can provide us. With Google Drive, documents, charts, presentations and drawings saved to Google Docs are automatically saved to your computer and any other devices you wish to sync. In addition, any files you add to the Google Drive folder on your computer or devices is automatically added to Google Docs online. I find this interesting because I did not know it was possible to make a connection between online folders and folders on a computer without having to manually download them. How is it possible to add a folder to Google Docs without being connected to the Internet? And how is it possible to download a file onto a device without using that device?
This new technology really proves how the Internet is able to make connections we never before thought possible and opens up so many new avenues. At the same time, though, I can’t help but think back to the Honan article were the use of technology to connect many devices together for the convenience of the user ended up making that user more vulnerable. If someone where to hack into a Google account they would be able to erase all the Google Doc files, which would also erase all the files stored on any computers or devices. Would there also be a way for them to hack into other folders stored on those computers and devices synced with Google Drive? I don’t know if it is possible but it is a scary thought.
October 15, 2012 @ 2:51 pm
Kind of goes with what I said earlier, that the safest thing to do is have things both “in the cloud” and on a hard drive. At least that way you’ve got an automatic backup.